
Monday, June 16, 2014

Don't hate your Monday: Join Plexus!

If you follow me on Facebook then you know I am overly excited all the time from the things that Plexus continues to do for me, my family, and thousands of other people. You know I have a passion for my job and you know that I am not one of those people who dreads Monday! Why not?

  1. I work from home and make my own hours. So - if they boys want to go to the library, sleep in late, or go see family for lunch, we can do that! We don't have anything stopping us and better yet...I actually get to enjoy summer with them, every single day.
  2. Monday just means I don't have to visit Wal-Mart to grab groceries for 6 more days! Woo ;)
  3. Monday doesn't define its self as a day of dread, it is just another day in our books - until school starts. Then it is just another busy day in our books filled with school activities.

With Plexus lots of things are possible. I mean we have one of the best compensation plans around and I get to spend tons of time with my babies. There is nothing more perfect in this world than knowing I don't have to drop them off at daycare to go sit behind a desk and make someone else's dream come true. So, I don't dread Mondays because of the path I chose. Network marketing might be scary to some of you or even all of you but it doesn't have to be. It is a better way. 

So, don't dread your Mondays and give Plexus a go!

Don't know what Plexus is? I attached a few videos below of our products and our compensation plan. Maybe, tomorrow we will do a little Plexus 101! Send in your questions. 

Happy Monday!

Product Overview:

Compensation Plan:

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